Digitalization is one of the most noticeable trends in the field of culture. More and more unique and significant projects are moving to online, which is why the organizers decided to extend the acceptance of applications.
Applications for the Culture Online Award shall be submitted through a special form on the Culture Online web portal.
As part of the “Best Online Project” nomination, a significant project in the area of music, theater or cinema will be announced. “Best Collaboration” is a unique opportunity to present an online cultural project implemented by two or more companies. In the nomination “Best IT solution for the cultural sphere“, professionals will choose the most worthy project implemented with the help of artificial intelligence, VR/AR and other IT technologies. Any blog about art and culture in such social networks as, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Telegram, Twitter can nominate for “Best SMM campaign” category. Study: regional communities are brought together by online cultural initiatives. “Best educational project” nomination plays an important role – an educational project that implements its activities in an online format can become a candidate for the award. A project implemented earlier in offline format but transformed into online one under the pandemic conditions can become a candidate for the award in the nomination “Digital transformation: from offline to online”. “Cultural Gamification” will help determine the best mobile application, computer game, online game in the field of culture.
The purpose of the Culture Online Award is to encourage cultural institutions that actively implement online technologies in their work, as well as significant cultural projects carried out with the help of the latest media tools. Cultural institutions, creative unions, public organizations, associations, bloggers and other organizations that have implemented their cultural projects are invited to nominate their projects.
International award Culture Online in 2021 is organized by the Russian Culture Fund in cooperation with the directorate of St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum.
Regulation on the procedure for Culture Online International Award is available at the link.
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+7 (921) 969-20-17