You can now quickly learn global news about online culture and the secrets of creating digital cultural projects from the Telegram channel of the Culture Online web portal.

“Culture Online” introduces innovative cultural Internet projects collected on a single web resource, which is quite convenient. Subscribers of the Telegram channel @culture_online will learn some tips from digital experts, useful guides and checklists on creating online cultural initiatives, as well as the latest news of digital art and culture.

You can already see some brightest Internet projects of Russian museums, learn about the specifics of organizing a video concert at a closed hydroelectric power station and read the latest news about digital culture.

The main goal of the Culture Online project is to show and make available to both professionals and wide interested audience the latest cultural initiatives in the online environment. In this way, the project stimulates creative processes, inspires the creation of one’s own digital projects in various fields of culture and art, shares the experience of leading practitioners who willingly tell what works out and what doesn’t on the web portal (and now in the Telegram channel!).

All this creative process, in its turn, contributes to the digitalization of culture, which makes it even more accessible to any audience, and as a result – to the development of creative industries as a new promising direction in the economy.