Founder: Evgeny Leonovich


Federal online media about modern culture. There are articles about music, movies, books, theatre, interviews, as well as useful tips, photos and much more.

Subculture Portal is one of the leading online media about modern culture founded on 1 July 2011. There are articles about music, movies, books, theatre, interviews, as well as useful tips, photos and much more.
Over the years, we have also implemented offline projects: a radio version of the portal, Gallery of Live Sound photo exhibition, Subculture Portal Festival music festival. In 2017, the project launched its own blog platform for creative people (this project is currently under renewal). Subculture Portal is the winner of 2 professional youth media competitions: Media Start and the youth section of the Sesame Forum. Also in 2018, we received the Grand Prix of the St. Petersburg Press and Mass Media Committee in the nomination "The Best Youth Internet Media of St. Petersburg". The Project objectives: 1. Popularization and telling about the diversity of modern culture among young people. 2. Involvement of students of journalism faculties in professional activities by providing places for practical training and internships.
The project objectives: 1. Cultural and educational. Our online media is one of the few in Russia covering exclusively the cultural agenda. 2. A stepping-stone for young journalists. Thanks to cooperation with the St. Petersburg State University (SPbU), more than 120 students have completed an internship in the editorial office of our media, most of them for the first time. Many of them continued to write for our outlet. Subsequently, the experience gained helped them to find a job in major outlets such as the Nevsky News, Expert Severo-Zapad, Vechernyaya Moskva and many others.

How did you manage to come up with an idea for your project?

From the very beginning, you need to proceed from what is interesting to the project author, what he knows what's what. In case with Subculture, it was like this: from elementary school I was interested in the music press, I asked my parents to buy various magazines. A little later, I started making music myself, and at the same time, the dream of creating my own media, an analogue of the Western Rolling Stone, was born, which I made come true at the age of 23. For the first year, I led the project alone. I was lucky, as since 2012, like-minded associates started joining, and over time the team increased to 50 people (photographers and journalists).

What pitfalls should one keep in mind?

The main "pitfall" is that such projects, as a rule, do not have permanent sources of funding, are produced mainly due to advertising revenue, as well as donations from readers.

Why do we need projects like yours, what is their value to people?

Such projects are needed primarily for the preservation of our culture and the development of its various directions: from rock music to ballet. Our project supports both young artists and established stars, and also helps young journalists and photographers to unleash their creative potential and decide on the choice of a future profession.