The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan, Tatarmultfilm Association (with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan)


Children's cultural and educational social network aimed at cultural education of schoolchildren of the Republic of Tatarstan. It hosts student blogs, their stories, impressions and emotions, announcements of events, contests and exhibitions.

The portal is a unique concept and mass children's Internet resource, a multifunctional children's culturally oriented social network aimed at the cultural education of schoolchildren of the Republic of Tatarstan.
In 2021, the previously existing portal was modernized, taking into account the recommendations for Culture for Schoolchildren, the interdepartmental cultural and educational project implemented by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education of Russia, as well as innovations in cultural education of schoolchildren and proposals of the project active participants. The portal structure (before modernization): Blogs; Cultural institutions; News; Contests; Articles; Clubs; People; Photos. New sections and functions have been added: The Anthem of the Cultural Team of Tatarstan; The Pushkin Card; Our activists; Digital Culture; Our achievements; Our mentors; For teachers; Users' articles (schoolchildren of 5–8, 9–11 grades). Portal users are schoolchildren of grades 1–11 of the republic mix up, make new friends from all over Tatarstan, exchange the results of their visits to cultural institutions of Tatarstan, photos, share cultural news and impressions. The portal announces children's cultural events held in the republic, publishes news about significant cultural and historical events, interesting excerpts from children's blogs, various contests and promotions, discussions and surveys on cultural and educational topics. Every schoolchild can try oneself in various professional fields: literature (writer, poet), journalism (correspondent, blogger), Theatre (actor, director, screenwriter), local history (guide, historian), etc. For convenience, there is Schoolchild's Cultural Diary, a portal version in the mobile application form, which is a social network for operational information exchange of portal participants:
The results of the schoolchildren's participation on the portal are summed up during the contest "The most active user of Schoolchild's Cultural Diary portal. The goal is to create a unified information field for the participants of the "Culture for Schoolchildren" project to master the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the country, expand access to cultural and educational digital resources in the context of a pandemic, as well as taking into account the preferences of the modern generation of children and adolescents and their involvement in the Internet space. Tasks: Creating conditions for the socialization of schoolchildren, their spiritual and cultural development and education; The development of the cognitive and cultural interest of schoolchildren, the expansion of the boundaries of their cognitive environment through active inclusion in the Internet space for familiarization with the cultural heritage of Russia and the small motherland; Formation of cultural and meaningful leisure of a schoolchild through visits to cultural institutions (cultural and leisure activities) with the class, family and subsequent joint discussion in a single information field; Popularization of cultural institutions.