Metaforma Museum Scenography Bureau and the Pereplyot Library (Library No. 1 named after N.K. Krupskaya)


The bot is based on real quotes from diaries, letters and literary works of five famous writers. The application is an imitation of communication on the Vkontakte social network with famous poets. The interlocutors are Mayakovsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Harms and Pushkin.

Visitors choose an interlocutor, ask him a question and get an answer based on the collected quotes and statements. The chatbot has an open system for further replenishment and development. By moderating questions, adding new headings and quotes, library staff complicate the chatbot, making it "smarter" over time. To avoid the use of obscene vocabulary in communication with a chatbot, a separate software module is provided.
The development of the application became part of a large project to create Book Stories interactive space of the Pereplyot Library (Library No. 1 named after N.K. Krupskaya), which opened on 6 October 2021. You can find out about the chatbot on the library electronic resources and directly in the library space in #ChitChat reading area. Goals: – To bring the image of famous writers and poets closer to the modern reader (mainly of school age) – To acquaint the reader with the statements of writers – To popularize the literary heritage among a wide audience – To position the library as a place where current solutions and technologies are used