Audio podcast about archetypes in world culture, from myths to modern blockbusters.

The concept of archetype was formulated by Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology Carl Gustav Jung in the early 20th century. Archetypes are universal images that manifest the collective unconscious, a hidden area of the psyche that contains the experience of the entire mankind. Jung’s ideas found reflection in the works of many psychoanalysts and cultural scientists; one of the most popular ones is Carol Pearson’s twelve archetype theory. Her approach was primarily used among marketers, but in recent years this typology has become firmly embedded in literary criticism, scriptwriting, games, movies, and entertainment industries.
Each episode of the podcast will be devoted to one of the 12 archetypes reflected in world culture: Innocent, Orphan (or Nice Guy), Warrior, Caregiver, Trickster, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Sage, Ruler, Magician, Explorer. For each series, a unique musical background has been created to reflect the archetype’s mood. Which archetype stands behind Jane Eyre or Batman? With the participation of experts – psychotherapists, marketing experts, cultural scientists, literary scholars, scriptwriters – podcast authors look for traces of archetypes in world culture, from myths to modern blockbusters, and analyze the dramaturgy milestones of a character following the so-called “hero’s journey”. Podcast participants include private experts and entire companies. So, professors from the Creative Writing School are responsible for literary expertise, whereas the subtleties of Jungian psychoanalysis are explained by specialists from Yasno, a popular service for selection of psychotherapists. Today every worker of creative industries is familiar with Jung’s concept of archetypes and Campbell’s hero’s journey. We want to share this with those far removed from content production, using recognizable images, examples, and diverse experts. In addition to expert theorists, practicing marketers and brand managers will also share their knowledge in the podcast. We believe that in today’s economic reality, it is important to give the floor not only to theorists, but also to representatives of business, especially Russian. The podcast is hosted by young Russian actor Anar Khalilov who played one of the main roles in Eterna TV series. To create an atmosphere, the Jung’s Twelve podcast uses short audio quotes from recognizable movie scenes.
The podcast will be of interest to creative industry workers, scriptwriters, advertisers, journalists, teachers, and anyone who tells stories professionally, as well as all lovers of popular psychology, literature, and cinema. The podcast consists of 13 episodes, including an introductory theoretical episode which became available on all popular podcast platforms on September 1. The timing of every release is about 40 minutes. The theme of archetypes is inextricably linked to the concept of the hero’s journey. With this idea in mind, we arranged the podcast episodes (the number of full-fledged episodes (12) corresponds to the number of stages in the hero’s journey according to Christopher Vogler) in a special way. The narrative begins with the Innocent archetype and ends with the Trickster. We offer our listeners a journey from the childish prototype to the most mature one, to contemplate the archetypes that lurk in the depths of the unconscious and their manifestations in everyday life. This way, our audio podcast becomes interactive: listeners walk “the hero’s journey” together with the host and learn more about themselves during this exciting adventure. You can tell from the feedback that the audience grasped the idea. As one listener says, the podcast made him “consider his own location on the hero’s journey”. Project manager – Darya Dmitrievna Donina. Team: Key author and podcast writer: Anastasia Okolita Key author and director of the podcast: Gleb Silko Sound engineer: Alexei Vorobiev Composer: Artemy Boronin SMM editor: Darya Kalinina Cover designer: Vasilina Bazhenova Guest producers: Ekaterina Mamedova, Gabriela Chalabova.