Centralized Library System of Gaginsky Municipal District Inter-settlement Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution


Currently, innovations have affected absolutely all types of human activity. Librarianship is no exception. In modern conditions, those libraries that prefer active, playful, intellectual forms of working with readers are successful.

One of the best practices in the work of the Gaginskaya Model Library was the publication of information and recommendation posts consisting of interviews and a list of references.
The use of innovative forms in the library's activities opens up new horizons of development, improves the quality of user service, and positively affects the reputation of the library as a socially significant and actively developing organization. The implementation of innovations is a complex, but interesting, creative process, which becomes the only possible way for the library to function in the new social realities. Innovative forms of work allow even traditional events to be brighter, more dynamic, more spectacular. The usual life of most of the world ceased to be the same after the World Health Organization announced a pandemic of coronavirus infection on 11 March 2020. It feels like we have suddenly woken up in a completely different world, where everyone needs to postpone their plans for 2020, and the most frightening thing about this is that no one knows how long this situation will last.
Libraries, like most public institutions and spaces across the country, were forced to close. Realizing their importance to the local community, libraries were not so easily given the decision to close the doors to their users, and librarians made every possible effort to stay in touch with their readers and be useful to them. All public events were cancelled, but some were reformatted into virtual ones, for example, online quests, quizzes, flashbooks and flash mobs. Social networks helped the library staff to find out what exactly interested visitors and organize new exhibitions and promotions. Who is talking and with whom? What is the conversation about? Are the questions united by one topic or not? Who knows what this conversation is called? The librarians of the Gaginskaya Model Library had the idea of communicating information to Internet users as an interview on current topics.