Smolensk Fortress Museum tells about certain architectural elements of the fortress forming its special appearance in the series of the Glossary of Architecture posts.
The most relevant ideas of cultural projects are usually in the air. Smolensk Fortress is one of the largest fortresses in the world. Fortification architecture is fundamentally different from residential and public buildings of these days. Elements of walls and towers, ditches and ramparts as well as their constituting parts have the names which are often unknown to modern people. The Glossary of Architecture project allows us to review these highly specialized concepts on the example of a single architectural ensemble.
Nowadays, compliance with the laws related to the copyright protection is extremely important for the implementation of any educational project. Therefore, it was impossible for us to use other people's texts and photos. All the articles and photographs were made by the museum staff as part of their working duties. This unique content makes the assets of the museum and can be used in other educational projects.
It has been repeatedly suggested to make a printed illustrated dictionary of fortification terms. Virtual format made it possible to solve a vital problem almost at no cost and to draw attention to the large scale and the history of the Smolensk Fortress. Within a couple of weeks after the glossary was posted, we have already received the first positive feedback from city guides who "improve their skills" online on the website of our museum.