Crimean Literature and Arts Memorial Reserve Museum State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Republic of Crimea



House museum of A. P. Chekhov in Yalta launched the first cultural podcast in Crimea, "Dust-free Facts". Podcast episodes are available on many Internet platforms, such as Yandex.Music, Apple Podcasts, RadioPublic, Podcast.ru and many others.

New way of interaction with the audience helps the museum to fulfill its educational mission and to attract the younger generation at the same time.
Larisa Kovalchuk, Director of the Crimean Literature and Arts Memorial Reserve Museum, says that the museum staff is largely engaged in scientific activities: they explore various aspects of life and work of A. P. Chekhov and of those who knew him, and make some discoveries. Scope of the discovered information (almost sensational) is often impossible to be conveyed to the audience in a post on a social network, and scientific articles are not always accessible to and understandable by a wide audience. The podcast solves this problem and gives the opportunity to get to know the museum life and its discoveries to the maximum number of listeners. Besides, the name "Dust-Free Facts" was not chosen accidentally - the museum plans to reveal the information that is "covered with dust" for the audience, i.e. those facts that are known to the museum community only.
The first podcast episode was devoted to "Chekhov and Monroe" topic, which has been studied for a long time by Yulia Dolgopolova, senior researcher of the White Dacha . Not many people know that Chekhov family is directly connected with Hollywood, which became possible thanks to the tireless activity of Anton Chekhov's nephew Mikhail Alexandrovich. Listeners will also hear about such famous names as Clint Eastwood, Alfred Hitchcock, Lee Strasberg, whose artistic career is closely connected with Mikhail Chekhov. Project team plans to make episodes about life and work of Alexander Pushkin and his acquaintances. Interviews with workers of other museums also lie ahead.