FGBNU “Institute of Artistic Education and Culture Studies of the Russian Academy of Education” together with GOU DO “Komi Republican Institute for Development of Education”, GAOU VO LO “Pushkin Leningrad State University”


The project idea is reaching full potential of means of art and culture for purposes of efficiently solving tasks of teenagers’ deviant behavior correction and rehabilitation.

As part of the research, in-depth studies of domestic and foreign experience have been conducted, which have demonstrated that variety of types and forms of art education and cultural studies can significantly improve quality of the educational environment, increase efficiency of solving tasks of correcting teenagers’ deviant behavior correction and socialization.
Best practices have been generalized and systematized, resulting in methodological recommendations and tools necessary for SUVU specialists for introducing into the educational process, which requires special educational events, to scale successful practices. The methods of artistic education and culture studies will be of increasing importance, since they have universal application, and can be integrated into almost all the processes of education and upbringing, enhancing the effects of educational activities due to the improvisational nature of the synthesis of arts. The most priority areas of education, necessary for introduction of socio-pedagogical innovations into the practice of SUVU, include issues of systematic implementation of arts education, aesthetic education, psychology of education and development, cultural studies approaches in the education system.
In relation with the above-mentioned necessities, in 2021, this project was implemented as a socially significant event: all-Russian educational courses and online seminars were held for teachers of SUVU, for the purpose of improving their skills in a number of innovative competencies: Introduction of the variable model of deviant behavior correction; Designing learning and educational programs with application of the expanded range of methods of artistic education and cultural studies; Application of the Navigator of the best practices of deviant behavior correction in the methodological work of the SUVU specialists; Designing socio-pedagogical technologies and projects using Arts Pedagogy for implementation in the activities of SUVU.