Central Library System, Voronezh


Cultural and educational project consisting of 10 authorial programs combined by one concept. 11 authors represent 47 city libraries of the Central Library System of Voronezh in social networks as part of their online forefront projects.

The goal of the project is to create an attractive image of city libraries.
Authors of Bibliopolis conducted a study of the target audience and developed an annual cycle of monthly themed releases following the demands of this audience. Project is pioneering meta-disciplinary potential of the authors: project developers rely not on their charisma alone, but on their qualifications apart from the librarian as well.
Thus, "Same as People" program popularizing science through short feature-stories about animals, is hosted by a librarian studying biology at the pedagogical university; "On the Other Side of the Hook" program revealing the secrets of infomedia marketing for ordinary people, is hosted by the head of the library, who has a degree in journalism. All of them share the same mission - promotion of reading culture as a deep national code and a grounds for personal fulfillment.