Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Orel State Institute of Culture



A video concert dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The program includes fragments and songs from famous Soviet films about the war. They immortalize the memory of our people about the years of hardship, the heroes and unknown soldiers.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, its various forms — music and choreography, painting, theater and film — became an artistic chronicle of the rapidly developing events. The artistic images in the works of art deeply captured and conveyed the chronicle of the fiery years to the brink of emotion. The power of their influence was enormous.
The film concert uses fragments of domestic films: Battle of Moscow, Military Field Novel, Sons Go Into Battle, Belorussian Station, They Fought for Their Country, Sky Slow-Mover, Seventeen Moments of Spring, Order: Don’t Open Fire, Only Old Men Are Going Into Battle. The film concert featured music: Rise Up, Huge Country!, Mists, Vast Mists, He Has Not Returned from Battle, We Need One Victory!, Song of a Distant Motherland, My Darling, If There Were No War, For That Boy, Say, Swans, Victory Day and others.
The film concert featured soloists and creative teams of Orel State Institute of Culture: soloists from the stage variety skills studio, students of the Department of Choreography, Department of Directing, Acting and Screen arts, Department of Folk Singing, Piano Department, Choral Conducting Department. Children’s dance group Phoenix also took part in the concert. Hosts of the concert: candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors of the Department of Socio-Cultural Activities E. V. Taratorin and G. V. Yakushkina. Staging directors: candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors E. V. Taratorin and E. V. Kurapina. Shooting and editing: teacher A. A. Melnikova. The film concert premiered on April 30, 2021, on the official YouTube channel of the Orel State Institute of Culture.