Virtual conference held as part of the XXX International Baltic House Theater Festival in October 2020 comprehensively reveals the subject of theater and virtual reality in the post-coronavirus era.
Russian and international theater personalities had an active dialogue to discuss the future of international cooperation, potential of virtual theater as an independent genre and theater trends of digitalized generation Z. Another special activity held - branding workshop for actors.
During the pandemic, theaters around the world were forced to go online. Some were taken by surprise, while others quickly adapted to the new digital reality where social networks have become the only way to communicate with the audience. The best foreign practices of applying virtual reality in the theater were introduced to the Russian audience during the conference. Broadcasting of the activities is available at the conference page on VKontakte and on
Online meetings with experts from Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, the USA and other countries were held at the conference: round table "Digitalization of International Cooperation: What Awaits Theaters in the Era of New Globalization?", workshop "Actor's Personal Brand. Creation and Promotion", round table "Virtual Theater: Alternative Stage or Forgotten Coronavirus Past?", panel discussion "Zoomers Don't Go to the Theater?: Peculiarities of the Drama Art Perception by Generation Z".