A. P. Chekhov Central Library, Istra municipal district, Moscow region


An online program suite devoted to 12 cities along the routes of Chekhov’s travels to Sakhalin Island.

The project is implemented jointly with partners on a charitable and gratuitous basis.
12 video programs aimed at consolidating local history content about the writer’s journey to Sakhalin and studying the relevance of literary heritage of the Russian literature classic Anton Chekhov to the lives of our contemporaries, exploring the transformation of the writer’s literary heritage and his contribution to the social life of Russia in the modern society. The project roadmap schedules 12 programs to be aired monthly on every third Wednesday as part of the Library Guided Tours Bureau of the A. P. Chekhov Central Library at Istra from January to December 2021 on social media pages: YouTube, Instagram. The project was presented in the January program, and the December broadcast will summarize its results. Participating libraries will be awarded letters of appreciation, and participants in the youth teams traveling the virtual route will receive certificates of participation in the project.
Answers to questions posed during the project programs were sent to the e-mail address of the organizing library: within a week of the broadcast date. The answers to the questions were evaluated by a project jury consisting of: Tatyana Vladimirovna Vartanova, Director of Municipal Culture Institution Istrinskaya Centralized Library System. Andrei Vladimirovich Alekin, chairman of the jury, member of the Istra Public Chamber. Yulia Vladimirovna Stepanova, deputy of the Council of Deputies of Istra. Olga Ivanovna Dudoladova, head of the Department of Local History and Memorial Activities of A. P. Chekhov Central Library. Vera Vasilievna Korolevich, head of the methodical department of A. P. Chekhov Central Library.