Dramatic Theatre on Liteyny Avenue State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Leningrad Region
Series of online theater meetings. Joint project by the Liteyny Theater and the Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, season 2019/2020.
Theater is perhaps the most fragile of arts. It only exists "here" and "now". It is only the vibes of the audience's feelings that remain after the play. Legendary plays have a stronger "afterglow", since a larger number of viewers saw and imprinted them in their memory / soul. Therefore, our creators - authors of the plays and actors - helped us to revive the impressions left after the legendary performances of the Liteyny Theater of the past years. We can say that we have launched a time machine: participants of the meetings found themselves in the rehearsal halls and on the stage again, like it was 15-20-30 years ago. Recalling the process of performance creation, they were living through success and failures, deadlocks and discoveries faced when a piece of art is being born. Opportunity to meet people who are now living in different parts of the world, but were once like a family, resonated with each participant.
Performance is born between the actor and the viewer. Even the best video recording is not the same as a live performance. Videos from 20-30 years ago certainly can not fully convey the stage action pulsation. Those who saw the performances before, experienced these feelings anew thanks to the recordings. As for those who did not see the performance, low-quality recording surely could not convey this storm of emotions. Therefore, the project was mainly viewed by the audience of the previous years. But younger generations who witnessed our online meetings also started to turn to the videos and having the "keys" to understanding of what was going on, they immersed in the atmosphere of the performance with much more interest.
We exist in the intense and even tough rhythm of today. We are clearing "backlogs", making plans for tomorrow. But it is important to understand where our Today comes from and where our Tomorrow will lead. Achievements and discoveries that were made by our predecessors can pave the way for our victories. Sometimes you need to stop and look at the Yesterday. And with a sense of pride for the team where you work, for the environment that surrounds you and once gave rise to the legendary events, for the people you create with so far, you can continue to build the Tomorrow.