Margarita Bek, Elena Kharitonova, I. Altynsarin Regional Library for Children and Youth



Media literacy classes in an online format for schoolchildren aged 12–15. Trainings include game quests for concentration of attention, the ability to work in a team, draw logical conclusions, solve graphic and text puzzles.

The project involved online classes, took place in 2 stages: the first one for urban schoolchildren, then for rural students from the districts of Kostanay region. Considering that the trainings were designed for teenagers, we tried to make the process exciting, included game quests for concentration, the ability to work in a team, draw logical conclusions, solve graphic and text puzzles.
In parallel with the use of game elements, the program introduces teenagers to serious concepts: they are explained the principle of the influence of his "information bubble" on a person and what information saturation can lead to. Participants passed the quest, consistently completing several tasks that reveal the level of knowledge and contribute to its improvement. For example: A quest room in Learnis. You need to open the lock to get out of the room. The code is encrypted in the audio message.
The highlights of the classes were creative tasks: "Make a fake" is writing stories with given words: Girl, bear, honey, street lamp. According to some stories, illustrations have been created, posted on the project's website: https://mig.allib.kz/kitchen_fake_news/. The teachers and librarians who organized the students for classes had high expectations: they also learned to present the material in a new way, using all the technical capabilities of Zoom and the platforms we worked with (LearningApps, Kahoot, Learnis, Zoom whiteboard, Padlet and Jamboard interactive whiteboards).