All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino


2023 has been declared the Year of the Russian Language in the CIS countries. A series of cultural and educational meetings organized by the Library of Foreign Literature with the support of the Ministry of Education of Russia is timed to coincide with this event.

Literary Parlor activities are a new stage of the "Inostranka" large program to promote the Russian language abroad, including the CIS countries. It is expected that such events will be held regularly by 2023. This year meetings will be held in Tajikistan (Dushanbe), Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan), Belarus (Minsk) and Azerbaijan (Baku).
There will be three more online meetings with libraries of the CIS countries as part of the course. On November 20, 2021, the first meeting of the Literary Parlor course will take place where children's writers Nina Dashevskaya and Maria Boteva will be guests starring. It will be held as a teleconference with the National Library of Tajikistan. The meeting will culminate by a workshop for Russian language teachers where they will learn latest techniques and methods of teaching the new children's and youth literature from leading experts of "Inostranka" and with the participation of invited Russian children's writers.
Other upcoming events: 27.11.2021 - teleconference with the National Academic Library of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan). Guests: Natalia Volkova and Maria Boteva. 15.12.2021 - teleconference with the National Library of Belarus (Minsk). Guests: Alexey Oleynikov and Natalia Volkova. 19.12.2021 - teleconference with the National Library of Azerbaijan named after M. F. Akhundova (Baku). Guests: Alexey Oleynikov and Natalia Volkova. Register and see detailed meeting schedule here.