Starokrymsky City House of Culture; State-financed Institution of the Republic of Crimea Historical-cultural, memorial museum-reserve Cimmeria M. A. Voloshin; Guild of Artists and masters of the Cimmerian land Crimean Regional Public Organization



Open creative festival of children's watercolor painting. Dedicated to the poet and artist, singer of Cimmeria Maximilian Voloshin and "The Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation".

Hills of Marble and Mountains of Glass festival of children's watercolor painting is an open creative festival held in the Republic of Crimea. The event was attended by 56 artists, including 49 young lovers of painting aged 6 to 17 years, from various municipalities of the Crimea and the Republic of Karelia, who submitted more than a hundred watercolor works for consideration by the expert commission.
The festival is dedicated to the poet and artist, singer of Cimmeria Maximilian Voloshin and "The Decade of Childhood in the Russian Federation". Within the festival framework, an art competition aimed at participants aged 7–17 years and an exhibition-presentation of competitive works were held. The festival was attended by 56 artists, including 49 young lovers of painting aged 6 to 17 years, from various municipalities of the Crimea and the Republic of Karelia, who submitted more than a hundred watercolor works for consideration by the expert commission. Copies of paintings of Koktebel landscapes of the "singer of Cimmeria", made in the size and material of the original were the competition subject. The participants were faced with the task not only to copy a work of art, having studied the technique and painting techniques of the author, but also to conduct research: to establish the period and place of writing the sketch, to find reflection in the literary activity of Maximilian Voloshin, to determine the place of exhibiting the work at the present time.
The purpose of the festival is to popularize the work of the famous landscape painter and poet Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin, who lived in the village of Koktebel and the culture of the Silver Age in the children's environment, the development of children's historical memory, interest in the history of their region and its cultural heritage. The Festival objectives are as follows: – attracting attention to the natural treasures of the Crimea sung by M. Voloshin in his works; – identification of gifted young artists; their support in the process of creative formation; – development of children's creative potential, increasing their creative activity; – artistic and aesthetic education of children, their involvement in the museum communicative space as full participants in the interactive process; – popularization of national culture and the formation of a creative personality of the XXI century.