ANO «International Elena Obraztsova Music Academy»



Arrangement of socially significant events and educational programs for gifted children aged 8-17 from various regions of RF, as well as advanced training courses.

The project is engaged in identifying and supporting children who show creative abilities and interests in the field of music, theater and painting.
The project includes seven programs held remotely: 1) «Steps to Excellence» ¬– creative online meetings with famous people of art, where children can pose questions to industry professionals, get practical advice and recommendations regarding development of their talents. 2) «Creative Workshop» – educational workshops to develop creative abilities in the field of vocal, theatrical and painting arts. 3) «Exemplary Creative Vacation» – intensive educational online courses for children who learn pop/jazz singing or painting. 4) «Faith. Hope. Charity» – a creative space for children with limited health capacities. 5) «Pedagogical Workshop» – advanced training courses for vocal instructors. 6) «Create, Invent, Try» – a thematic contest for young artists. 7) «Exemplary White Nights» – the International Festival and Competition of Creative Works for Children and Youth held in four nominations: «Academic Singing», «Pop and Jazz Singing», «Artistic Word», «Painting Art».
Goals: Establishment of favorable conditions for cultural development of children of the Russian Federation, preservation and development of the cultural potential, introduction of the best samples of culture and arts to young talents. Creative experience exchange and strengthening of friendly relations between participants from various regions of Russia. Distribution of knowledge about the best samples of national and global culture. Holding signature mass cultural events. Improvement of profession skills and upgrade training for teachers in the field of culture and arts. Identification and support of children manifesting creative abilities and interests in the field of vocal, theatrical and painting arts. Drawing attention to creative activities. Moral, patriotic and aesthetic upbringing of the younger generation.