Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Tauric Chersonesos"


"Chersonesos AR" is a mobile application visualizing 3D reconstructions of archaeological sites to give an impression of how they might have looked thousands of years ago.

It is a unique mobile application visualizing 3D reconstructions of famous monuments of the ancient city. This project combined modern technology with the results of archaeological and historical research of scientific staff of the museum-reserve.
The mobile app is based on augmented reality technology with an interactive navigation map. To see a collection of 3D models of your favorite monuments of the ancient city, such as the 1935 Basilica, the Ancient Theatre, the Basilica of Uvar, the Mint, the Temple on the Vaults and others, just download "Chersonesos AR" app to your smartphone or tablet — to have miniature 3D models of artistic reconstruction in your phone! "Chersonesos AR" application users can get acquainted with 11 archaeological monuments of Tauric Chersonesos. Now visitors to Chersonesos can do more than simply walk around the museum-reserve and see the ancient artifacts in its exposition and exhibition halls; they can also visualize how antique and medieval buildings looked when the city thrived. This project is interesting because it combines modern technology and the fruit of scientific, historical and archaeological research. After downloaded the application, guests of Chersonesos can see 3D reconstructions of monuments of the ancient city with the help of QR codes.
The program also includes an interactive map that helps visitors navigate the territory of the museum-reserve. Even if this is their first visit to Chersonesos, the mobile app will help them easily find the desired archaeological site. This program can also be used with souvenir products of the museum-reserve. Its stores sell 3D-magnets with images of iconic monuments of the Chersonese settlement. "Chersonesos AR" application brings each of them to life and visualizes the reconstructions of ancient buildings. Original appearance of the 1935 Basilica can also be imagined by scanning a 200-ruble bill. The main purpose of the project is to acquaint citizens of Russia with the centuries-old history of Tauric Chersonesos and its iconic monuments, to make visiting the museum-reserve interesting and accessible to people of all ages, and to raise awareness of people in such important sciences as history and archaeology through the use of modern technology.